Reasons to Try IVF: A Comprehensive List


In vitro fertilization, or IVF, is a process in which an egg and sperm are combined outside of the body. It has been shown to be effective for couples who have fertility problems. In this blog post, we will explore some reasons that people should seriously consider giving IVF a try!

Reason #1:  More IVF success rates

IVF has been shown to be more successful than other forms of fertility treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that in 2014, the live birth rate was 42% per cycle. This is much higher than their study from 2005-2007 which showed only a 27% success rate. Visit our Fertility clinic in Indore for more info.

Reason #2: More information about your body

The process itself can help you learn how your reproductive system works and what could potentially cause infertility problems down the road. It's also great because it allows doctors to figure out if there are any abnormalities or blockages preventing conception that might not otherwise show up during ultrasounds or physical exams until later on when pregnancy might already be impossible.

Reason #3:  Increased chance of carrying multiples

IVF is more likely to result in a pregnancy with multiple babies. This can be great because it means lower costs and less time spent on treatments for subsequent pregnancies. The Centers for Disease Control found that the live birth rate was 50% per cycle in 2014 when IVF was done at patients' own clinics, which includes couples who are attempting to have twins or triplets.

Reason #4: Lower risk of miscarriage

Since fertilized eggs are implanted back into your uterus instead of being flushed down the toilet as they would after other forms of fertility treatment, there's no need to worry about potential infection during an abortion procedure if you decide you don't want to continue with pregnancy later on!

Reason #5:  More time

IVF allows you to put off treatment until you're ready for it. You might not be able to get pregnant right away, or maybe you don't want a baby just yet but are afraid of running out of options as your fertility declines with age. Whatever the case may be, IVF is an excellent option because there's no need to rush into anything and potentially make mistakes that could cost you in future pregnancies down the line!

Final Words:

In conclusion, IVF is an excellent option that more people should consider. With the increased success rates and decreased risk of complications compared to other types of fertility treatments, anyone who has struggled with getting pregnant might want to give it a try! Visit our IVF center in Indore for more info.


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