How Lifestyle Choices Can Impact Your Fertility?

As an IVF Center in Indore, we would like to let you know that lifestyle choices can have a dramatic effect on female fertility. In this article, we'll examine what these choices can do for you and how these choices can help you conceive. So, without wasting any time, let us get started:

The first choice you make when trying to get pregnant is your diet. If you want to get pregnant, you absolutely must limit your sodium intake and stay away from packaged foods that have preservatives, white flour, and high-glycemic carbohydrates. You can also improve your pregnancy chances by eating more fruits and vegetables, although it will take a few months to adjust your diet and lifestyle choices to get used to this. Avoiding junk food and drinking plenty of water are great ways to improve your health and your chances of getting pregnant.

Another one of the top lifestyle choices you can make to improve your health and your chances of conceiving is to lead a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle means you should not smoke, avoid alcohol, and maintain a healthy weight. Excessive alcohol intake and smoking can dramatically reduce your odds of getting pregnant. This is because excessive alcohol and nicotine exposure increase your stress level and decrease your progesterone and estrogen, which are important factors in maintaining a healthy menstrual cycle and stimulating ovulation.

Being overweight or underweight has the same effect on fertility as excessive alcohol or cigarette consumption. This is because hormones play an important role in your reproductive functions, so you want to maintain a healthy weight. As an IVF center in Indore, we suggest that you start slowly and to make gradual changes in the amount of calories you consume each day.

Final Words:

These are just a few lifestyle choices that can help you improve your chances of getting pregnant. There are many other factors that influence fertility, including your diet and your periods. Despite all your efforts, if you are still not being able to conceive, you might possibly have medical conditions. In such cases, you should visit a gynecologist.


  1. Male Infertility is a problem which affects the quality of male sperms and create problems in conceiving. Doctor can suggest many tests to diagnosis and to check quality and quantity of sperm counts in male semen.


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