In Vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment is a type of infertility treatment that involves fertilizing an egg outside of the body. It is the most common treatment for women who are suffering from infertility. For those who have a history of recurrent miscarriage or a family history of infertility, this treatment is recommended. How Does In Vitro Fertilization Work? In this procedure, eggs are extracted from the ovary. They are then fertilized in a lab dish and cultured for a few days. Finally, the fertilized eggs are placed back into the womb where they will be allowed to develop and grow into embryos. During the procedure, an ultrasound scan is performed to determine the number and quality of eggs present in the woman’s body. The doctor also checks the woman’s hormone levels to identify any potential risk factors. What Are The Risks Associated With IVF? The main risk associated with this treatment is multiple pregnancies. This happens when more than one embryo is implante...